Homemade Yeast Rolls Recipe "Grandma’s Easy, Quick Dinner Rolls"

I have been practicing rolls recipes for about a week now.  My family was to the point where they were tired of eating roll like substances that didn't quite cut the mustard and then I came across this recipe.  This recipe was delicious and pretty easy.  I had a couple minor snafoos but I worked them out and found my thanksgiving roll recipe.

A few things I've learned in my journey.  First, doughs that rise in the fridge are much more flavorful and taste less "yeasty" than other recipes.  Second, be sure to proof your yeast.  Give it that 10 minutes to foam so you know you have good yeast.  There's nothing worse than skipping that step and having rolls that don't rise.  Third, whatever liquid (milk or water) you're using to proof your yeast, monitor the temperature.  Active yeast should be between 105 - 115 degrees, higher than that, it kills the yeast; lower than that, the yeast doesn't activate.


ADAPTED FROM DIVAS CAN COOK - Homemade Yeast Rolls Recipe "Grandma’s Easy, Quick Dinner Rolls"

  • 3 1/4 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 packet of dry active yeast
  • 1 1/4 cups milk
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup of butter flavored shortening
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 Stick of Melted butter
In a large bowl, add yeast. Set Aside.

In a saucepan, over medium heat, add milk, sugar and shortening.  Stir constantly until shortening has melted. Do not boil. (TIP: Active dry yeast should be between 105 - 115 degrees, if it's higher than that, it will kill the yeast.  Use a cooking thermometer to monitor the temperature.  It doesn't take long to reach 105 degrees.)
Pour milk mixture into yeast and wait 5 - 10 minutes to proof the yeast.  (TIP: It should foam and increase in volume).
Add 1 1/4 cups flour to the yeast/milk mixture. 
Add in the egg.

Beat on low speed for 1 minute and then on high speed for three minutes.
Add in the salt and the remaining 2 cups of the flour.

Use your hands or a rubber spatula to mix in the flour until a soft ball of dough forms.

Grease a bowl with vegetable oil and place the ball of dough into it. Cover and refrigerate for atleast  2 hours.  (TIP: You can leave them in longer than 2 hours and you won't have a problem with this dough).

Remove from refrigerator and punch down the dough with your fist to release the air.

Melt the butter and spread a thin layer of melted butter in the bottom of a 9 X 13 pan. 

Take a chunk of dough and form it into an oval shape. With the remaining butter, lightly coat the dough with butter and place it into the pan.

Next cover the pan with a thin kitchen towel and let sit in a warm place for atleast 1-1 1/2 hours. They should be doubled in size. (TIP: Wait to bake them until you are ready to serve your meal so they will be piping hot! They don’t mind hanging out)

Bake for 10-14 minutes or until golden. Keep an eye on them after 10 minutes. When they come out of the oven brush them with butter.



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