
Showing posts from November, 2011

Homemade Yeast Rolls Recipe "Grandma’s Easy, Quick Dinner Rolls"

I have been practicing rolls recipes for about a week now.  My family was to the point where they were tired of eating roll like substances that didn't quite cut the mustard and then I came across this recipe.  This recipe was delicious and pretty easy.  I had a couple minor snafoos but I worked them out and found my thanksgiving roll recipe. A few things I've learned in my journey.  First, doughs that rise in the fridge are much more flavorful and taste less "yeasty" than other recipes.  Second, be sure to proof your yeast.  Give it that 10 minutes to foam so you know you have good yeast.  There's nothing worse than skipping that step and having rolls that don't rise.  Third, whatever liquid (milk or water) you're using to proof your yeast, monitor the temperature.  Active yeast should be between 105 - 115 degrees, higher than that, it kills the yeast; lower than that, the yeast doesn't activate. Enjoy! ADAPTED FROM DIVAS CAN COOK - Homemade Ye

Tips for a Stress Free Thanksgiving

That's right it's that time of the year again, Thanksgiving, a time to give thanks and enjoy family and friends.  For many (myself included), it can be a time of great stress and anxiety.  It doesn't have to be and it won't be if you follow these tips. 1 Month before Thanksgiving - Figure out your menu.  Consider everything from appetizers to drinks to desserts. If you're trying something new, you may want to test those recipes out to ensure they make the cut. 1 - 2 Weeks Before Thanksgiving - Review all the recipes that made the cut.  Inspect your pantry.  Make sure you have enough thyme, poultry seasoning, nut meg . . . There's nothing worse than getting into a dish and realizing you don't have enough of something. Get a note pad and write down all of your ingredients and keep in mind quantities.  For example, if you're making a carrot cake with cream cheese icing and a cheesecake and maybe some cream cheese mashed potatoes, you need to make sure

Slow Cooked Chicken Enchiladas

So, it's the fall time of year and I love warm and delicious comfort foods but I'm also very busy and though I would love to spend most Saturdays chopping, dicing, baking and cooking, I can't because there's work, karate, basketball practice and errands to run.  On those days, it's wonderful to come home to something like these Slow Cooked Chicken and Cheese Enchiladas.  Enjoy! INGREDIENTS 1/4 cup chili powder 2 cups chicken stock 1 can tomato paste 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon Spanish paprika 1 teaspoon cocoa powder ½ teaspoon chipotle ½   teaspoon salt Garlic Powder and Onion Powder Lawry’s Seasoning 2 lbs boneless, skinless chicken thighs 1 large onion diced Corn tortillas Shredded Cheese Sour Cream (Optional) Enchilada Sauce (Just in case, you run out) Finely dice the large onion.   Liberally season the chicken with garlic powder, onion powder and Lawry’s seasoning. Set aside. In a large bowl, whisk together chili powder, chicken stock, tomato paste